Dealing With Difficult Customers When You Know They are Dead Wrong

Skeptical CustomerHow to Handle Difficult Customers When You KNOW They are Dead Wrong…

Throughout my career as a speaker, consultant, and customer service trainer, I’ve heard a multitude of war stories about challenging customer service situations.

Let’s face it. Many customers challenge and argue with us even when they are dead wrong. Some lie.  Some just love to give people a hard time. Some just want to “try” you. We’ve all experienced these situations in customer service scenarios. [Read more…]

Teamwork-Essential For Increased Productivity and Profitability


The customer rules. If your entire team doesn’t excel in every aspect of the customer experience, customers will take their buying power elsewhere. Focused teamwork is essential.

Every single encounter that the customer has with your organization must be undeniably more superior to that provided by any of your competitors. If you can achieve this goal, your result will be a reputation for World-Class Customer Service and the highest levels of customer loyalty. You will also have the ability to obtain higher levels of customer advocacy, obtain more referrals, your company will benefit from advocates’ powerful word of mouth advertising, and you will see results where it counts…in your bottom line.   [Read more…]

Selling to Women: What The Men and Women Who Sell to Them Should Know

Selling to Women

Is it necessary to adapt your selling style when your prospect or customer is a woman?

You bet! Extensive studies and research have been conducted on this topic. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know why – women are different than men. They think differently, communicate differently, decide differently, shop differently, and even buy differently than men. [Read more…]

Easy Tips to Business Growth Through Your Client Base


The most crucial, and often the most difficult, aspect of achieving business growth is having the ability to attract new customers. Keeping your customers loyal to you can be testing, too, but at least at that point, you already have them through the door and buying from you. [Read more…]

Schmooze Difficult Customers

difficult customers

One of the most challenging situations is to turn difficult customers into loyal customers. If you can do so, then you may not only gain a new loyal customer but also create an advocate for your business. When you encounter a difficult customer, instead of getting angry and defensive, be respectful, apologetic and humble. [Read more…]

Building Customer Loyalty

customer loyalty

We have all heard a great deal about the importance of displaying behaviors and using effective phrases that promote customer loyalty. Likewise, we’ve heard plenty about how we must take those “Extra Steps” to exceed customer expectations. No matter how often you’ve heard it, it always warrants reinforcement, as today, every business is in a race for growth with no finish line in sight. If you want to promote a positive image, develop a good reputation, and establish customer loyalty, service excellence must be demonstrated on a daily basis. And, you must exceed customer expectations in your sanitary and supply business wherever there may be an opportunity to do so. [Read more…]
