The Keys to Success Are Quite Simple

Key to Success

     Keep it simple. You’ve heard that before. Have you heard this? The keys to success are quite simple too.  Here are ten simple keys to success to keep in mind: [Read more…]

Avoid the Family Owned Business Blues

AVoid Family-owned business problemsManaging any business is tough, but running a family owned business is even tougher. Internal conflicts, family matters, business concerns, and ownership transition make running the business very complicated, and often emotionally charged. In fact, according to the Small Business Administration, only 33% of family owned businesses survive the transition from first generation ownership to the next generation.

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How to Build Customer Trust With Today’s Skeptical Customers

Skeptical Customer
Customer trust is hard to earn these days. This is due to the fact that today’s customers are skeptical. A recent study conducted by Insights in Marketing revealed that fewer than one-third of the public believed the content in advertorial messages. [Read more…]

Customer Service Tips

Customer Service Tips
Can you use a few customer service tips?  Of course, you can.

Today’s customers are better educated, more discriminating, more cost-conscious, less loyal, better informed, have more choices, and are more “service savvy” than ever! They also have very high expectations. This holds true regardless of what you sell or offer.  Customers expect a frictionless and even a personalized experience.

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How Well Does Your Management Team Perform?

management performance results
Management Performance

Your management team’s performance matters – big time!  To determine how well they are performing doesn’t have to be a daunting task. It’s not hard to do. Simply consider these five areas.

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Life Balance —A Tight-Rope Act


The constant struggle for business professionals today is to somehow obtain a sense of balance between their job and personal life. For many people I know life balance is like a tightrope act that can cause anxiety and lead to burnout. [Read more…]
